Wednesday 21 October 2015

Research & Planning: Designing an E-Sting (Pre-Production)

E-Sting Terms & Conditions

     The E4 E-Sting Terms & Conditions page for sending in an entry defines many rules the film product must abide by. Amongst the most important are:

  • Entry must be exactly 10 seconds long
  • It must contain the E4 logo
  • Music and sound effects must be only what is provided by E4 as part of the competition
  • To enter, you need a Twitter & YouTube account
  • The entry must be all your own work, or the work of a group you are part of
  • All entrants must be over 16 and UK residents
  • One entry per person


What Format?
     I will be making my animation using stop motion in a similar format to South Park. The characters and backgrounds will be made out of paper, shot face down onto a table. Moving the paper characters between each shot will provide the movement.
What Happens?
     In the first shot, we see a bus drive along a road. In the background, smoke rises from a chimney and a person walks their dog. Next we see three people inside the bus: two stand holding onto a pole, and one in a wheelchair which rocks back and forth slightly. A ball rolls down the bus aisle. One man begins to sneeze. Then we see a bus stop, with a person waiting to get on the bus, the bus enters and blocks them from the shot. We hear the sneeze, and the E4 logo appears on the bus window.
What Setting?
     A residential area with a bus route. Some of the animation is set on the bus itself.
What Difficulties?
     Other than the problems presented when trying to create movement, getting the paper to stay in one place for the photos could be difficult as it is so light. Any light wind could be an issue and ruin a shot. Also, some bits of paper may be quite small and fiddly so attention to detail is important.
Who is the Audience?
    15-35 year olds, the audience E4 aims to attract to its programmes.

Characters & Locations


The sound effects I will be using are below. Most of them were sourced through on a creative commons licence which allows me to use them. I will also embed the music below as chosen from a selection provided by E4 purposely for the E-Stings. This keeps all of the E-Stings entered into the competition consistent and royalty free.

Pre-Production Paperwork

1 comment:

  1. You have planned a response to a specified brief that takes into account thorough and in-depth research into the client and the targeted audience. You have conceptualised an idea that is fit for purpose and that would appeal to the target audience. You worked independently and to professional expectations.
