Monday 4 April 2016

Technical Deceit | Blog #1

3 Weeks until Shooting
            As previously promised, I will be briefly documenting our progress throughout the production of my short film Technical Deceit over the next several weeks. If you don’t already know what the film is about, here’s a few handy links to the Screenplay Treatment and the Documentation for the project itself.
            We are making the film as part of the Single Camera Productions unit of our BTEC Media (TV & Film) Extended Diploma course. The team consists of Robert, Alex and myself – as well as a couple others from the class who we intend to recruit for the days of production.
Over the last seven days, my primary focus has been on finding cast. Having had our dates confirmed at our location, this was my next big worry. Robert produced the image below for us to begin posting (although many would consider it spamming) on social media. It was a simple matter for me to change the dates on the post to the ones we had confirmed, and then posted it on Wednesday evening. I kindly asked my friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter to share the post in an attempt to make it get seen by as many people as possible.
I prepared a few documents to send to the people who responded to the casting call – including a brief explanation of the plot and each of the characters, along with one of two extracts which were for female or male applicants respectively. In return, I requested a video of the applicant reading the extract in character. At the time of writing this we are still accepting applications (if you’re reading this before noon on the 6th April 2016, please apply!) but I hope to announce the castings of each character in my blog post here next week.
Looking forward over the next seven days, as well as casting I have got to make all the final tweaks to the script so we can begin sketching out the storyboard; Robert and I are hoping to make a visit to the venue at some point to make this easier. Also there is a whole variety of things which need preparing, such as rick assessments, recces, production schedules and prop and costume lists (to name but a few).
            Check back next week for more!

The reason I have not achieved quite as much progress as I would have liked by this point in the process, is because I was very busy editing for another project which you should totally check out here! Follow me on Twitter to know when I next update my blog: @mc_onnell

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