Tuesday 30 September 2014

Induction Connotation Pictures

Photos by James, Reuben & Toby

Desire: This image shows a moment where somebody has left their wallet
lying around, and others have had the desire to steal it. We took this shot
from a Bird's Eye View in order to fit in all of our hands, as we wanted to
show how everyone has a desire for materialistic things, and the money
symbolises this.
Greed: This image was a comical idea we had, showing a character hugging
a vending machine to represent his love for it (or more accurately, the things
within it). This medium shot put the character in the middle presenting his
ownership of the object.

Fear: This low angle POV shot has been used to show the dominance one
character has over the other. His posture suggests his anger, and a slight
shadow is across his face to portray a darker, more evil character.
In order to show fear, the lower character is presenting his hands defensively
as if a threat has been made towards him.
Strength: To show strength we also used a low angle. This character is
blatantly showing off his superior skill to the camera (an unseen person)
in a slightly menacing way. However, the shadow across his face suggests
that there is more to this character; perhaps he is using his physical strength
to hide emotions or a weaker mental ability.

Purity: We wanted to capture an image of something natural to show
purity, and the clouds on a sunny day looked idyllic and pure. Obviously, we
 used a worm's eye view for this shot in order to capture the clouds.  

Poverty: This wide shot of a disadvantaged character demonstrates a use of
thirds in photography, where one third on the right shows the setting. The
setting is the most obvious thing about this character's

Danger: We played around with creepy looking shadows to portray danger.
It was difficult finding a way of making this image appear less like fear,
and more like danger, so we had several attempts to get a picture we were
happy with. We chose to picture the exact moment a character realised he
was in trouble - noticing the shadows for the first time - as this meant he
would not yet look scared.
Loneliness: This picture again demonstrates a use of thirds, with the
character and the wall focusing your eyes to the middle of the image and
thus the emptiness of the character's surroundings. His depressed facial
expressions compliment the apparent loneliness of the character.
Love: Finally, we took a picture to show love. We took a close up of two
hands joining to demonstrate the connection in a relationship. 

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